Title: Final FYP1 Briefing

the briefing was conducted by using MS Teams and the attendance of all student taking fyp1 is compulsory

FYP1 CL/FYP Commitee

briefing on final preparation 


final briefing, the speaker giving a lecture on preparation before presentation day. the speaker giving a tips on dressing code which are important for the first impression for the assessor. the lecture continue on the topic of how to answer question from the assessor professionally. 

the speaker highlighting the flow of presentation day and reminding students to come early and prepare while waiting assessor to come and asses. two hour passed, the briefing come to an end, speaker giving last announcement which give more time to prepare for presentation day because the presentation date were postponed as given in the picture below.

the agenda of the briefing are well presented by the speaker and that is the last briefing for FYP1 for this semester.