Title: FYP 2 report completion


  • To finalize the final report
  • To upload the report on Turnitin


After all the problem encounter during the making of the prototype, now it is time for the student to prepare and complete the FYP 2 report. Before finalizing the report and print it together with hardcover, the student needs to prepare the draft first and upload it into Turnitin. As for this week, activity is all focusing in the completion of the draft. After finishing the draft which is the report from chapter 1 until chapter 5, the result that comes after the plagiarism checker, it shows a promising result as the percentage of the plagiarism is 13% of similarity. The allowed percentage of similarity is 20% of overall the report from chapter 1 until chapter 5. The figure below shows the result for the first draft finished.
Turnitin Report

After the student settles up with the draft, then the student email the result to the student supervisor which is Sir Zarimin. The supervisor the comment on the draft submitted which the comment is very positive and helpful. The supervisor reminds that the draft is okay. Overall of the report is ready for submission. Then, the report will be email to the printing company for printing and submission to the library section.


To conclude this week activity, the student already achieves the objective which is to finalize the report as the draft from chapter 1 until chapter 5 is done and upload it into Turnitin for plagiarism check.