Title: Soldering the test board

    By this week, soldering the test board was done. It is harder than I expected as all the component was flipped to have the same side as the IDT. I was told to ignore the flipped designed board and solder it is normal. But after few observation, I found out that it cannot be done just like that because, the IC that is inside the board cannot be solder as normal boards due to the design had set where the 1st pin and the last pin should be. Thus I had to solder it downwards which it is really hard to solder as the ic socket got inwards design. I had to make a choice whether to damage to ic socket or overflowing the solder lead.

    Ended up I chose to just let it overflow and did some repair after single point soldered.

I had two of the board. But after one board soldered, I think the it should be redesigned.